English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Abstract Service Primitive (OSI); Academy of Students of Pharmacy; Accredited Staging Professional; Active Signaling Protocol; Administrative System Project; Administrative Systems Project; Advanced Signal Processing / Processor; Application Service Provider (dms); Advanced Simple Profile; Advanced Spatial Parameterization; Advanced Speech Processor; Advanced Systems Protocol; Aggregated Switch Procurement; All Source Production; Allied Standing Procedure; Alternative School Programs; American Society of Photogrammetry; American Strategic Income PT Fund, Inc.; Amur Shipbuilding Plant (Yeldar Azanbayev); Angry Sick Person; Appletalk Session Protocol (Apple, AppleTalk); Application Service Providing; Armed Services Police; Army Strategic Plan; Arrival Sequencing Program; Artifical Stone Paving; Asinine Server Problems; Ass Suck Protocol; Astronomical Society of the Pacific; Atari Software Pirates; ATM Switch Processor; Authorized Service Provider (Sun); Auxiliary Storage Pool; Average Sales Price; Aviation Safety Program; Awareness during Sleep Paralysis; Awful Stock Pick; The Academy Of Student Pharmacists |
abbr., agric. |
African pig plague (MichaelBurov); African swine fever (MichaelBurov); Montgomery swine flu (MichaelBurov); Pestis africana suum (MichaelBurov); ASF (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., anim.husb. |
American Standard of Perfection |
abbr., auto. |
application service server provider |
abbr., automat. |
automated small batch production |
abbr., avia. |
airspace; audio selector panel (Interex); activity scheduling program; advanced survivability program; aero surface position; air base survivability program; air storage park; airborne science program; Airbus Spain; altitude select panel; analog spectral processor; attendant switch panel; audio select panel; Aeronautical Surveillance Panel; aeronautical surveillance plan |
abbr., bank. |
American selling price (4uzhoj) |
abbr., biochem. |
acylation-stimulating protein (белок, стимулирующий ацилирование Dimpassy) |
abbr., biol. |
American Society of Parasitologists |
abbr., BrE |
air stores park; aircraft servicing platform |
abbr., busin. |
average selling price (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., chem. |
Aspartic acid (Vosoni) |
abbr., commun. |
Axle load Speed Profile |
abbr., comp., net. |
AppleTalk Session Protocol |
abbr., ecol. |
algae settling pond |
abbr., econ. |
Area Settlement Plan (robin0509) |
abbr., el. |
active server pages; access signaling protocol; adapter signal processing; advanced strip and passivation chamber; advanced solution provider; advanced speech processing; advanced support processor; algorithmic signal processor; analog signal processing; analog surround sound processing; applet security profile; application service primitives; application software program; application specific product; associative storing processor; associative string processor; asymmetric multiprocessing system; ATM switching preprocessor; audio signal processor; authentication service provider; automated spooling priority; automatic scheduling procedures; automatic small production; automatic speech recognizer |
abbr., el.com. |
access service provider; application security protocol |
abbr., electr.eng. |
aluminum-steel-polyethylene |
abbr., file.ext. |
Application/Authorized Service Provider; Aspect language script file (Procomm Plus); Association of Shareware Professionals; Association of Shareware Professionals note |
abbr., fishery |
amnesic shell-fish poison |
abbr., inf. |
Anglo-Saxon Protestant |
abbr., IT |
Active Server Page; active server pages (Bricker); attached support processor; average selling price; Application Service Provider, Application Service Providing; Application service provider |
abbr., med. |
aspartic acid; antisocial personality; aortic systolic pressure; application service provider; area systolic pressure; asparaginase; aspartame; aspartate; aspiration; automatic signal processing; Academy Of Students Of Pharmacy; Acute Symmetric Polyarthritis; American Society For Photobiology; American Society Of Parasitologists; American Society Of Parasitology; Ankylosing Spondylitis; Anorectal Malformation, Sacral Bony Abnormality, Presacral Mass (association); Antibody-specific Prediction; Antisocial Personality; Aortic Systolic Pressure; Application Service Provider; Area Systolic Pressure; Asparaginase; Aspartame; Aspartate, Aspartic Acid; Aspiration; Automatic Signal Processing; Association Of Specialty Professors; Australian Society For Parasitology; Australian Society Of Periodontology; area of systolic pressure; Aiguille d'Acupuncture Semi-permanente |
abbr., mil. |
Antenna Scan Period; ammunition supply point (slitely_mad); ammunition storage point |
abbr., mil., avia. |
active server page |
abbr., nano |
aerosol spray pyrolysis |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
alkali surfactant polymer |
abbr., ocean. |
amnesic shellfish poison |
abbr., oil |
acoustic scope picture; allowable surface pressure (andrushin); apparent spontaneous potential |
abbr., org.name. |
Africa Stockpiles Programme |
abbr., physiol. |
Affected Sibling Pair; Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning |
abbr., police |
Assistant Commissioner of Police (OstrichReal1979) |
abbr., post |
Associate Supervisor Program (since 1996, 16 week program) |
abbr., progr. |
abstract service primitive (ssn) |
abbr., scottish |
Advanced Soundranging Programme (UK); Air Surveillance Platform (India); Airbase Survivability Program (USA); Annual Service Practice (USA); Automatic, Self-Powered (USA) |
abbr., skydive. |
Accelerated Skydiving Program |
abbr., toxicol. |
amnesic shellfish poisoning |
abbr., water.suppl. |
Active Sludge Plant |
invest. |
American selling price |
mil. |
advanced signal processor; advanced studies program; advanced supply point; advanced systems planning; Air Subpanel; air superiority program; air support party; air support plan; airborne sensor platform; all-altitude spin projected; ammunition supply point; amphibious supply platform; annual service practice; antisubmarine plane; armament status panel; Armed Services papers; Army supply program; atomic strike plan; augmented support period; augmented support plan; automated schedule procedures; automatic switching panel; available supply point |
tech. |
accepted stores procedure; accident sequence precursor; active sonar processor; administrative site procedure; aft solar panel; analog signal processor; antenna sidelobe pattern; application service providers; automatic sample processor; automatic schedule procedure; automatic servo plotter; auxiliary shutdown panel; auxiliary spacecraft power |
abbr. |
arsenopyrite (Bema) |
abbr., med. |
aspartic acid (or its radical forms); asparatic acid |
abbr., oil |
asphaltic; asphaltenes; asphaltines |
abbr. |
amber star, parachute |
abbr., med. |
vipera aspis |
ASP An organization that delivers a contractual service to deploy, host, manage, and provide access to an application from a facility other than the customer's site [æsp] abbr. | |
abbr., comp., MS |
abbr., mining. |
asphalt |
comp., MS |
.asp (The file name extension of a Web page that is an Active Server Page) |
file.ext. |
Active Server Page (file name extension) |
abbr., chem. |
aspartic acid |
.asp The file name extension of a Web page that is an Active Server Page abbr. | |
abbr., comp., MS |
.asp |
abbr. |
Automatic set point setting (soa.iya); adjunct service point; American Society of Pharmacognosy |
abbr., avia. |
airbase survivability program; altitude set panel |
abbr., busin. |
as per; as soon as possible |
abbr., comp., MS |
ASP (An organization that delivers a contractual service to deploy, host, manage, and provide access to an application from a facility other than the customer's site) |
abbr., desert. |
autumn saved pasture |
abbr., earth.sc. |
advanced study program; analysis of synthetic programmes; AOIPS support package |
abbr., econ. |
American Selling Price. |
abbr., fin. |
acceptance supra protest |
abbr., oil |
acoustic slope picture; activated sludge plant; activated sludge process; advanced signal processing; advanced system planning; alkali ne-surfactant-polymer flooding; alkylsulfonate of mixed phenols; American Society of Petroleum; analysis of synthetic program; antifriction self-lubricating plastics; array signal processing; associative data structure package; automatic schedule procedures; automatic slurry processor; automatic synthesis program |
abbr., progr. |
associative support processor (ssn) |
abbr., sex |
adult service provider (polite term for a hooker Val_Ships) |
abbr., space |
aerospace plane; antisubmarine patrol; antisubmarine projector; Apollo spacecraft project; atmospheric sounding projectile; attitude sensor package; automated small-batch production; auxiliary space craft power |