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abbr. Internet Engineers Entrepreneurs And Employers; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated; Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
abbr., auto. Institute of Electrical&Electronics Engineers
abbr., avia. institute of electrical & electronic engineers; institute of electrical & electronic engineering
abbr., comp., net. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
abbr., IT Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (USA)
abbr., mil. 802.3 Ethernet Protocol; 802.4 Token Bus Protocol
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. institute of electrical and electronic engineers (USA)
abbr., post Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (professional & standards group)
abbr., scottish Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (USA)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers
abbr., tradem. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
O&G institute of electronic and electrical engineers
IEEE 802. 1x
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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