English thesaurus |
abbr. |
arbitrary dimension; B-display; bale (Vosoni); balloon; Banned; Barnes Group, Inc.; barometric pressure; Bass; Bastard; Baume; Baume degree; Baume hydrometer scale; Belgium; Belief; best (Vosoni); better grade; Biased; Biblical; Bingo; Biotech; Bisexual; Bishop; Bitch; BITCH/BASTARD; Bitchin; Bitwise; Blah; Blame; Bland; Blank; Blasphemy; Blind; Blonde; Blueberry; boiler; Bold; Bones; Book; Bored; Boss; Bowl; Boxer; Boys; Bracket; Breakfast; Bridge; brightness (Vosoni); British Patent; British Thermal Unit (Vosoni); Brochure; Bronco; Browning; budget (Vosoni); Bulk; Burglar; Buster; Butt; buyer (Vosoni); Byte; Bytes; coefficient depended on fuel; degree Baume; Interpolated Pictures (MPEG); ratio of throat diameter to pipe diameter; The Baddest; Bell; Bit; Bob; British; Business; Button; Bering Standard Time (GMT - 1100); base (electron device); board (Vosoni); baggage (Vosoni); baud; Baumé (degree, Baumé scale); belga; Belgian; Benares; binding; Boeing; bolivar; borum; bound; Britain; broad; broadcasting |
abbr., amer. |
bomber |
abbr., archit., scient. |
Build |
abbr., auto. |
brand; breath; broker; battery positive voltage; bias belt construction; bias belted; battery negative voltage |
abbr., avia. |
bearing; bench; biplane; both; bulkhead |
abbr., biochem. |
nuclear factor kappa B (Dimpassy) |
abbr., biol. |
asparagine or aspartic acid; back; ball; bicuspid; blend |
abbr., BrE |
brigadier |
abbr., busin. |
bachelor |
abbr., cartogr. |
bay; black buoy; blue; brook |
abbr., commer. |
Bahamian Dollar; Belizean Dollar; Brunei Dollar; baht; balboa |
abbr., commun. |
bias (Метран) |
abbr., comp., IT |
Bruce |
abbr., dat.proc. |
byte |
abbr., earth.sc. |
base address; basic igneous rocks; baumé; beaumé; bauxite; bayou; birefringence; birnessite; Boston; brake; brannerite; breakage; brucite; Brunhes normal epoch; Burma; degree baumé; degree beaumé; magnetic flux density |
abbr., ed. |
Basic; Behavior |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Band |
abbr., el. |
bel; back-up; barrier; B-drive; biochips; break; buffer |
abbr., electr.eng. |
bonded; booster; braid |
abbr., file.ext. |
BASIC language source code file; Batch list; Modula-3 Base program |
abbr., geol. |
Burzyan (MichaelBurov); Burzyan age (MichaelBurov); Burzyan Era (MichaelBurov); Burzyan Erathem (MichaelBurov); Burzyan time (MichaelBurov); the Burzyan (MichaelBurov); Burzyan era (MichaelBurov); Burzyan erathem (MichaelBurov); Lower Riphean (MichaelBurov); Burzyan epoch (MichaelBurov); Lower Riphaean (MichaelBurov); Burzyan period (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., geol., scient. |
Branch |
abbr., interntl.trade. |
B grade |
abbr., IT |
binary; bit; Be |
abbr., law |
Bad |
abbr., math. |
b b (обозначение известного числа) |
abbr., mech.eng. |
backlash on pitch circle |
abbr., med. |
born; B-cells; Bacillus; Barn (Lat. Bis); Base (Lat. Bis); Boils At (Lat. Bis); Born (Lat. Bis); Brain (Lat. Bis); Branched (Lat. Bis); chromosome Break (Lat. Bis); Supramentale (Lat. Bis; point); Twice (Lat. Bis); Blood; Bloody; Bone Marrow-derived (cell Or Lymphocyte); Bronchial; Bronchus; Brucella; Bursa Cells; Colorectal Tumor Extending Into Adipose Ti; Fever, Sweats, Or Weight Loss ("B" Symptoms In Hodgkin Lymphoma); Biological; boron; bacillus; barometric (pressure; SUBSCRIPT); asparatic acid; Baume's scale; bile; bloodbank; bone marrow; bromuridine; buccal; bursa; bursts |
abbr., med., conv.notation. |
asparagine; bile bile from the gallblader |
abbr., med., lat. |
balneum; balneum arenae |
abbr., media. |
Border |
abbr., met. |
bainite |
abbr., mil. |
cross-over barrier pattern |
abbr., mil., avia. |
back order |
abbr., mus. |
breakthrough |
abbr., nautic. |
battleship; becket |
abbr., nautic., econ. |
B |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
core sampler |
abbr., oil |
angle between interface and bed; barrel; base; bottom of; boundstone; cation mobility; current-return electrode; degree Beaume; formation volume factor; magnetic induction; turbulence; backup; bactericide; bank; baryon number; barytes; basalt; basic impulse insulation level; basis; bat; beach; bedded; bedding; benzoate; benzene; benzine; berm sloped wall to keep out flooding; Biber; bight; biotite; bitt; bituminous; block; bluish; boehmite; boiling; boiling point; bollard; bond; bornite; bowlingite; breaker; Brewster; broken surface; buoyancy; busy; butadiene; butane; butylene; special bearing seal; Thai Baht |
abbr., opt. |
bandwidth; bel |
abbr., phys. |
band spectra method; magnetic flux density; Fraunhofer line in the red of solar spectrum |
abbr., physiol. |
Blackeye |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Back |
abbr., pigeon.race. |
Blue |
abbr., polym. |
bar; batch; Baume scale; build-up specimen |
abbr., relig. |
Believe |
abbr., scottish |
Boron; Bravo (phonetic alphabet); Civil aircraft marking (China, People's Republic); Time zone 22.5 E - 37.5 E (GMT -2) |
abbr., soil. |
vesicular pore |
abbr., st.exch. |
Buy |
abbr., tech. |
bor; Båke |
abbr., textile |
Big |
abbr., transp. |
Body; Bus |
energ.ind., abbr. |
arbitrary dimension; bandwidth; barometric pressure; beam; bit; boiler; boron; bulletin; coefficient depended on fuel; ratio of throat diameter to pipe diameter |
invest. |
bill of exchange |
meteorol., abbr. |
balloon; blue; board |
mil. |
band; battery; battle; beam; boat; body; bomb; bombardier; bottom; boundary; bulletin |
mil., avia. |
bearing |
railw., abbr. |
baggage |
tech. |
beacon; blanking; boils at...; branch; brass; broadcast; broken; bulb; film thickness; susceptance; telegraph speed in bauds; volume modulus of elasticity |
wood., abbr. |
better grade |
abbr. |
Beavan's Reports; bel; brick; base |
abbr., busin. |
Baume |
abbr., earth.sc. |
bar; bay |
abbr., econ. |
best |
abbr., insur. |
Center of Buoyancy |
abbr., lat. |
Beatus ("blessed") |
abbr., law |
buyer (s) |
abbr., libr. |
bachelor |
abbr., med. |
bicuspid; British |
abbr., oil |
breakthrough; degree Baumé |
abbr., physiol. |
born |
abbr., sport. |
passed ball |
abbr., tech. |
brightness |
abbr., textile |
degree Baume |
law |
barrister; bid; bill of exchange; bond; buyers |
abbr. |
microbel |
abbr., oil |
base of; Panamanian Balboa; second class |
abbr., phys. |
Bohr magneton; magnetic moment of electron (Bohr magneton) |
abbr. |
B-positive |
abbr., auto. |
battery positive voltage |
abbr., numism. |
Bolender Number; Browning Number |
abbr., phys. |
incremental induction |
abbr., oil |
Bahamian Dollar |
law |
bill of exchange |
abbr. |
background; bag; ballistic; balloon; barn; base nucleotides; bath; before; biannual; billion; black; boric acid; born; breadth; budget authorization; beam radius; beauty quark (MichaelBurov); beauty-quark (MichaelBurov); bottom quark (MichaelBurov); bottom-quark (MichaelBurov); babbit; linear regression coefficient; base number |
abbr., auto. |
bore |
abbr., avia. |
blade width; span |
abbr., busin. |
barge; bid; bill; boatswain; box |
abbr., med. |
blood SUBSCRIPT β second in a series |
abbr., oil |
blacks; brown |
abbr., phys. |
angular momentum |
cartogr. |
brick |
med. |
bregma (Natalya Rovina) |
O&G |
bar (pressure); bubble; bubble point; bulk; burned; radius of investigation; reciprocal formation volume factor |
opt. |
binary digit (bit) |
abbr. |
breadth; bacterium; bending; bluish; bole; bomb; bridge |
abbr., earth.sc. |
bearing; billion; bituminous; black; boiling at; brass; brown |
abbr., econ. |
bag; barrel |
abbr., libr. |
book; bound |
abbr., med. |
bone; betterness; boil at; bom; breath; broth; brother; button |
abbr., scient. |
bacillus; back; bale; ballistic; bandwidth; bam; before; blue; board; bonded book; booster; bulb; buoyancy |
mining. |
battery |
mus. |
bar (сокращение от слова "bar" ("такт") Marina Arkan) |
polym. |
boiling point; branched |
textile |
boils at |
abbr. |
building out section |
abbr., ed. |
aznews (daomao) |
abbr., met. |
ultimate tensile stress |
abbr. |
microbar |
abbr., econ. |
nota bene |
O&G |
noise |