
   German English
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gen. out-bound; exiting; outbound
commun. outgoing; mobile-originated; mobile-to-base
comp. outgoing
econ. outgoing
stat. outgoing
| und
gen. and
| ankommend
athlet. baton passer
| wechselseitig
gen. mutual
- only individual words found

verb | adjective | to phrases
abgehend v
gen. out-bound (Tel.); exiting; outbound
comp. outgoing
econ. outgoing (Zug)
stat. outgoing (Post u. dergl.)
tech. o/g outgoing
abgehend adj.
commun. outgoing (call); mobile-originated; mobile-to-base
 German thesaurus
abgeh. abbr.
abbr. abgeheftet
abgehend und ankommend
: 1 phrase in 1 subject