
   German English
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comp. feature; unit
econ. denomination; head
med.appl. apparatus
nucl.phys. dimension; unity
tech. standard
telecom. unit
econ. standard
| entsprechend
gen. according to
20 | Fu
stat. research and development
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
Einheit f =, -en
gen. device; entity; oneness; unit; unity
AI. unity element
chem. unit (Maßeinheit, measure)
comp., MS unit of measure (A division of quantity established in calibrated or normative systems of measurement); unit (A measurement that specifies in what quantity a product will be sold)
ed. element
emerg.care unit
math. elementary unit; unit element
metrol. measurement unit
patents. unit (Maß)
stat., earth.sc., chem. unit of measurement
stat., tech. item
tech. harmony
transp. ground facilities
Einheiten f
gen. chunks; units
comp., MS units (The quantity of a resource assigned to a task. The maximum units is the maximum number of units available for the resource. For example, if you have three plumbers, the maximum units is 300 percent or three plumbers working full-time)
Einheit Anlage f
tech. unit
Einheit adj.
comp. feature (transformed graphic primitive with assigned nongeometric properties); unit (as a measure)
econ. denomination; head
med.appl. apparatus; instrument
microel. module
nucl.phys. dimension; unity (i.e. uniformity)
tech. standard; organization
telecom. unit (of measurement, Maßeinheit)
Einheits- adj.
econ. standard
st.exch. flat
Einheit entsprechend 20
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Rail transport1