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Stadtrat m -(e)s, ..räte
gen. alderman; city council CC; selectman; town council; jurat; local government; municipal council; municipal Corporation; Municipal Council; borough council
econ. municipal board; local council
econ., amer. board of aldermen (örtliches Verwaltungsorgan); board of councilmen; city council; city government
econ., BrE common council; district council
hist., econ. burgess
law, ADR locals council
NGO City Councillor
polit. city councillor (Andrey Truhachev); city council member (Andrey Truhachev)
Stadträte m
gen. selectmen; town councils
bes Eng Stadtrat m
econ. alderman
Stadtrat Gremium m
amer. aldermen
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Non-governmental organizations5

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