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m -s, =
agric. scarifying
med. forceps; pliers; tweezers
Hacken f -s, =
commun. chopped response
Hacke f =, -n
agric., construct. pickaxe
Hacken Handwerkzeuge f
gen. weeding forks hand tools
Hacke n
gen. hack; hoe; mattock
construct. flat pick
mining. hackiron
tech. heel; pick; weeder; ax; pickax
tools small pickaxe; brick cleaner
hacke ugs. : betrunken n
gen. hammered coll.: drunk; smashed coll.: drunk; tight coll.: drunk
rude pissed as a fart
hacke n
inf. pie-eyed
hacken v
gen. hash; hash up; hoe (in the garden); mince
construct. hoe
law, ADR hacking (Der Begriff hacking beschreibt das illegale Eindringen)
tech. hoe; peck; pick
Hacken v
gen. hoes; mattocks
agric. hoeing; harrowing; handhoeing
industr., construct. chipping
med. dogs
tech. chopping
Hacke v
agric. grubber
hackte v
gen. chopped; hacked
hackend v
gen. hacking
hackte v
gen. hashed
hackend v
gen. hashing
hackte v
gen. hoed
hackend v
gen. hoeing; chopping
Hack- v
agric. tilling; cultivating; hoe
construct. logged
Hack v
gen. hack
tech. ax; hatchet
hackt v
gen. hacks; hashes
Hacken Handwerkzeuge v
gen. ditchers hand tools
Hacker v
industr., construct. fleece doffing comb
hacken Schnabel v
gen. peck
auf hacken v
construct. hoe
hacken adj.
agric. to chop; to hack; to hew; prick in; pin; pinon; cut (wood); plough thoroughly; chop; split; cleave; husk; crack; prick; stab
chem. to mince; to hack
mining. hack; hackiron; hag (Kohle)
Hacken adj.
agr. deep ploughing; thorough ploughing; cultivation; manual hoeing; hacking
agric. cutting; splitting
med. tenaculum
weap. heel
: 56 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1

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