chem. |
record (aufschreiben/registrieren); register |
commun. |
accept; sink (data, signals); measure; sense |
demogr., construct. |
take up a load |
transp., avia. |
take on |
gen. |
pick-up |
phys. |
exposure (of the photograph) |
gen. |
absorb; accommodate; affiliate; assimilate; draw current (Strom); host; include (in Listen); ingest; plot (eine Kurve); record; record (Meßdaten); soak up; withstand (Kräfte); conceive (trächtig werden); house; take (in); take in; take up; include in; integrate in |
archit., design. |
resist (Kräfte) |
commun. |
accommodate (HW) |
construct. |
accept (Kraft); deaden (Kraft) |
econ. |
assimilate (Wertpapiere); enrol (z.B. als Mitglied); enroll (z.B. als Mitglied); insert; lodge (Gast, Mieter); naturalize; pickup; store; stow; table |
law |
borrow a loan (Kredit) |
law, ADR |
incorporate (into in); admit; embody |
microel. |
pick (up, z. B. Störungen) |
opt. |
take (photographs); make exposures; take pictures (frames); plot; trace; pick off (e.g. information from emitting surfaces); detect; locate |
phys. |
photograph; shoot; take (the photograph) |
tech. |
sustain; challenge |
gen. |
absorbing; affiliating; capturing; incorporating; ingesting; ingestive; recording; taking up; pick up |
gen. |
grabbing |
agric. |
hay pick-up |
commun. |
pick-up device |
life.sc., coal. |
operator of a mining field |
mater.sc. |
probe |
gen. |
conceive |
construct. |
absorb |
law, ADR |
lodge |
tech. |
absorb heat |
construct. |
accommodate |
econ. |
incorporate (into in) |
law, ADR |
pick up (abholen) |
law, ADR |
initiate (into in) |
tech. |
draw current |
agric. |
appropriate; digest |
chem. |
take up (einnehmen/zu sich nehmen); to absorb; to recieve |
commun. |
pick up |
comp. |
incorporate; receive |
comp., MS |
onboard (To move an application into the store. Involves the uploading and certification of an app's packages and listing data) |
construct. |
to survey land; to do field work; to take up, taking up; catch; grip; clamp; break up (Straßendecke) |
earth.sc., el. |
to resist; to withstand |
econ. |
raise (Anleihe); take on (als Mitglied) |
emerg.care |
admit (Krankenhaus) |
industr., construct., met. |
to gather |
IT |
records |
life.sc. |
to map; to survey |
life.sc., coal. |
to claim an area of mineral deposits |
met. |
to dissolve (mit Wasser oder Säure) |
mining. |
accept (Last); carry (Bauelemente); dial (mit dem Kompaß); map; scoop up; survey |
tech. |
lodge; matriculate |
telecom. |
pick up (the handset, den Hörer aufnehmen); lift (the handset, den Hörer aufnehmen); go off-hook (den Hörer aufnehmen) |
agric. |
absorption; imbibition |
econ. |
surveying (z.B. von Land) |
industr., construct., met. |
gathering |
IT |
grasping |
tech. |
plot |
gen. |
draw |