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chem. dismantle; strip; take apart; to dismantle; to take to pieces
construct. to strip; strip down; take to pieces
mater.sc., construct. to dismantle
met. to rig; down
mining. tear down
tech. break down; take down
Demontieren n
gen. disassembly
comp. demounting; dismounting
etw. demontieren n
law remove (smth.)
Bohrstangen demontieren n
met. to lay down (the drill pipes)
demontieren v
construct. strip (Schalung entfernen)
econ. strip (Fabrik)
law dissect
opt. take apart (to pieces)
tech. demount; disassemble; dismount
transp. remove only occasionally "to dismantle"
demontiert v
gen. dismantles
econ. completely knocked down
Demontieren v
tech. dismantling
demontiert v
tech. taken apart; knocked down
demontierte v
gen. dismantled
demontierend v
gen. dismantling
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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