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gen. decommission
Stilllegen n
gen. closure
stilllegen v
gen. cripple; to quiesce; shut down; close down
construct. immobilize (Fahrzeug)
law, ADR take out of circulation
stilllegen adj.
amer. immobilize
auto. take off the road (Andrey Truhachev); lay sth. up (Andrey Truhachev); lay up (Andrey Truhachev)
brit. immobilise
comp., MS quiesce (To bring a form, service, server farm, or form template offline gradually by not accepting new user sessions and allowing existing sessions to finish)
construct. close down (Anlage); shut down (Anlage)
econ. tie up (Fabrik, Produktion)
Anlage stilllegen adj.
construct. decommission; put out of operation
 German thesaurus
stilllegen adj.
gen. stillegen (старое написание слова Andrey Truhachev)
: 4 phrases in 1 subject

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