gen. |
counter (Schalter als Ausgabestelle); revised edition; desk (Schalter, Tresen als Ausgabestelle); disbursement; expense; issuance; issue; edition ed. (Ed.); office (Büro als Ausgabestelle); output (eines Programms); redaction (eines Buches); release; version |
account. |
outputs |
busin., IT |
expenditure (von Geld); display |
commun. |
version (S1V) |
comp., MS |
spend (An expenditure in the procurement domain) |
econ., stat. |
outgoings |
ed. |
output (EDV); edition (Zeitschrift); issue (Zeitschrift) |
environ. |
expenditure Spending by consumers, investors, or government for goods or services |
fin. |
expenditures; expenses; delivery; series; outlay; edition (Bücher) |
IT |
output (von Daten); outturn (von Daten) |
IT, tech. |
output process |
law |
expenditure |
law, ADR |
emission (von Banknoten etc.) |
opt. |
read-out |
patents. |
issuance (Herausgabe); issue (Herausgabe); expenditure (Auslagen); edition (Druckwerk) |
tech. |
cost; edition (periodical, etc.); number; readout (Auslesen: Daten); spending; output (Datenverarbeitung); issuing |
med. |
output |
gen. |
Expenditure; disbursements; dumps; editions; expenditure; issuances; issues; outgo; outputs |
busin. |
expenses |
comp., MS |
expense (A cost incurred by a business in an attempt to obtain revenue) |
construct. |
costs |
econ. |
outlay; costs; expenditures; inputs; outgoes; outgoings (Geld); payout |
econ., BrE |
outs (speziell für Steuern) |
emerg.care |
expenses |
fin. |
statement of expenditure; outgoings; outlays; social protection expenditure; spending |
med. |
expenses |
agric. |
expenditure; outlay |
tech. |
printout |
account. |
expenditure (decrease in net financial assets) |
agric. |
distribution; sharing out |
astr. |
output unit; edition |
automat. |
output |
busin., IT |
soft copy (am Bildschirm); hard copy (am Drucker) |
comp. |
output (of data); release (a variant) |
econ. |
advance payments (in collective farms); payments on labour unit basis; costs; booking; emission (z.B. Banknoten, Briefmarken); issue (Geld, Effekten); number (Buch) |
microel. |
readout |
tech. |
issue point (Material/Chemikalien); supplies issuing |
telecom. |
release (software release) |
agric. |
expenditure; outlay |
polygr. |
expense |
econ. |
expense |