corps : 3071 phrases in 132 subjects |
Agriculture | 8 |
Alternative dispute resolution | 1 |
Analytical chemistry | 1 |
Anatomy | 33 |
Antennas and waveguides | 1 |
Architecture | 2 |
Armored vehicles | 23 |
Art | 1 |
Astronautics | 46 |
Astronomy | 14 |
Athletics | 4 |
Automated equipment | 7 |
Automobiles | 2 |
Aviation | 205 |
Bacteriology | 2 |
Basketball | 1 |
Biochemistry | 2 |
Biology | 8 |
Biotechnology | 2 |
Book binding | 1 |
Boxing | 7 |
Building structures | 1 |
Business | 18 |
Cables and cable production | 1 |
Chemistry | 75 |
Cinema equipment | 1 |
Clothing | 5 |
Computers | 7 |
Construction | 67 |
Cosmetics and cosmetology | 2 |
Dentistry | 15 |
Disapproving | 1 |
Dosimetry | 3 |
Education | 6 |
Electrical engineering | 1 |
Electronics | 26 |
Entomology | 8 |
Environment | 4 |
Esoterics | 1 |
Euphemistic | 2 |
Fencing | 5 |
Figurative | 9 |
Finances | 1 |
Food industry | 45 |
Food service and catering | 2 |
Football | 3 |
Forestry | 11 |
General | 298 |
Geography | 1 |
Geology | 54 |
Geometry | 7 |
Geophysics | 9 |
GOST | 2 |
Gymnastics | 27 |
Handball | 4 |
Hematology | 1 |
High energy physics | 2 |
Histology | 4 |
Historical | 5 |
Hydraulic engineering | 35 |
Hydrography | 2 |
Ichthyology | 3 |
Idiomatic | 14 |
Informal | 6 |
Information technology | 5 |
International law | 1 |
Journalism terminology | 9 |
Judo | 2 |
Kayaking | 1 |
Law | 54 |
Lighting other than cinema | 3 |
Linguistics | 2 |
Literally | 2 |
Martial arts and combat sports | 1 |
Mathematics | 157 |
Mechanic engineering | 104 |
Mechanics | 2 |
Medical | 146 |
Medical appliances | 64 |
Metallurgy | 35 |
Meteorology | 8 |
Microsoft | 2 |
Military | 355 |
Mining | 15 |
Music | 1 |
Name of organization | 3 |
NATO | 1 |
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation | 10 |
Nautical | 6 |
Nonstandard | 1 |
Nuclear physics | 46 |
Obsolete / dated | 206 |
Occupational health & safety | 1 |
Oil and gas technology | 21 |
Ophthalmology | 1 |
Optics branch of physics | 8 |
Packaging | 22 |
Paleontology | 1 |
Parasitology | 1 |
Patents | 6 |
Pathology | 5 |
Photography | 3 |
Physics | 22 |
Platform diving | 2 |
Poetic | 1 |
Police | 1 |
Politics | 13 |
Polygraphy | 82 |
Proverb | 7 |
Psychology | 6 |
Radiation | 23 |
Radio | 12 |
Real estate | 3 |
Rhetoric | 2 |
Saying | 1 |
Security systems | 1 |
Shipbuilding | 28 |
Skiing | 2 |
Speed skating | 3 |
Sports | 6 |
Statistics | 1 |
Surveying | 11 |
Swimming | 2 |
Technology | 242 |
Textile industry | 33 |
Trucks/Lorries | 73 |
Typography | 1 |
United Nations | 6 |
Water polo | 1 |
Weightlifting | 2 |
Welding | 7 |
Winemaking | 1 |