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[kənˈtrəʊl] abbr.
comp., MS i-CTRL (A key that, when pressed in combination with another key, gives the other key an alternative meaning)
 English thesaurus
CTRL [kənˈtrəʊl] abbr.
abbr., auto. controlled
abbr., textile Cotton Technological Research Laboratory
ctrls abbr.
abbr., auto. controls
CTRL [kənˈtrəʊl] abbr.
abbr. Centaur Mining and Exploration Class A; control (computers)
abbr., comp. complementary transistor-resistor logic (circuit)
abbr., IT control (ASCII character); complementary transistor-resistor logic
abbr., transp. Channel Tunnel Rail Link
tech. control character; control key
ctrl [kənˈtrəʊl] abbr.
abbr. certified test result; controller
IT control
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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