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comp., MS I-BSB (A series of 6 digits used in Australia and New Zealand to identify banks and their branches and for routing transactions)
 English thesaurus
BSB abbr.
abbr. Back Seat Bonking; Brainwashing Stupid Bitches; Bull Shit Boys; British Superbike Championship (Artjaazz); brain state in box
abbr., avia. Brasilia, DF, Brazil; bachelor of science in business; base-band
abbr., bank. Bank, State & Branch Code (шестизначный цифровой код, используемый в Австралии для идентификации отделений банков или финансовых институтов viviya)
abbr., busin. brass bar
abbr., ed. Bandar Seri Begawan
abbr., el. backside bus; backspace block; back-side bus; brain-state-in-a-box
abbr., exhib. back speed bus
abbr., med. body surface burned; Bushbush
abbr., media. British Satellite Broadcasting
abbr., mil. Base Support Battalion; brigade support battalion (Киселев)
abbr., mil., air.def. both side-band
abbr., mil., avia. bank steering bar
abbr., mus. Backstreet Boys
abbr., nautic. Brasilia, Brazil
abbr., neur.net. brain-state-in-box (clck.ru dimock)
abbr., oil below sea bed; both side band
abbr., radio both sideband
abbr., space British Satellite Broadcasting Ltd.; British Satellite Broadcast Ltd.
abbr., st.exch. Banco Santander Chile
abbr., tradem. Bank State Branch; British Standard Brass
law, abbr. Bar Standards Board (Великобритания Leonid Dzhepko)
tech. baseband; British standard beam

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