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[draɪv] n
comp., MS jàngukaay (An area of storage that is formatted with a file system and has a drive letter. The storage can be a floppy disk, a CD or DVD, a hard disk, or another type of disk)
 English thesaurus
drive [draɪv] abbr.
abbr. driven
abbr., proj.manag. disk drive
DRIVE [draɪv] abbr.
abbr. Democrat Republican Independent Voter Education; Development Research Innovation Vision And Excellence; Directional Reasonable Inspiring Visible And Eventual; Define, Review, Identify, Verify, Execute (Interex); range selection
abbr., el., scient. Dynamic Resolution Intensive Vector Enhancement
abbr., transp. Dedicated Road Infrastructure for Vehicle Safety in Europe
Drive [draɪv] abbr.
abbr. Dr
: 9 phrases in 1 subject

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