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[kæ'skeɪd] n
comp., MS xếp tầng (To propagate an action from one data entry to referencing tables or entries in order to enforce referential integrity in a relational database. Examples of actions that can be cascaded are deletions and updates)
 English thesaurus
CASCADE [kæ'skeɪd] abbr.
abbr., avia. combined airborne surveillance and control for aerospace
abbr., el. compacted and scalable dedicated Ethernet; computer-aided system for circuit analysis and design
abbr., med. Cardiac Arrest In Seattle: Conventional Vs Amiodarone Drug Evaluation; Conventional Arrhythmic Vs Amiodarone In Survivors Of Cardiac Arrest Drug Evaluation
abbr., scottish Combat Air Surveillance Correlation And Display Equipment
ecol. Citizens and Scientists Concerned About Dangers to the Environment
mil. corps airborne SIGINT collection and direction-finding element
CASCADE [kæ'skeɪd] abbr.
abbr., oil centralized administrative system control and design
: 3 phrases in 1 subject

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