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[bɪl] n
comp., MS hoá đơn (A request for payment for products and/or services sold)
billing ['bɪlɪŋ] v
comp., MS thanh toán (Pertaining to a request for payment)
 English thesaurus
bill [bɪl] n
amer. check (cafe bill MichaelBurov)
BILLS abbr.
abbr. Boy I Love To Lose Superbowls
abbr., sport. Boy I Love Losing Superbowls
bill [bɪl] abbr.
abbr., AmE account (брит. Bobrovska)
law, abbr. bl.
USA bank note (брит. Bobrovska); A ship’s publication listing operational or administrative procedures (JP 3-04)
BILL [bɪl] abbr.
abbr. Brilliantly Intelligent, Likeable Loser
abbr., mil., avia. beacon illuminator laser
abbr., scottish Bofors, Infantry, Light & Lethal
Nasdaq Billing Concepts Corporation
BILL [bɪl] abbr.
abbr., busin. billion
abbr., space beacon illuminating laser
: 2 phrases in 1 subject

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