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['mju:zɪk] n
gen. موسيقی سماع   ؛گانا   ؛راگ   ؛موسیقی
Music ['mju:zɪk] n
comp., MS موسیقی (An app that facilitates the playing of music)
classicalmusic ['mju:zɪk] n
gen. پکا گانا
 English thesaurus
music ['mju:zɪk] abbr.
abbr. mus
MUSIC ['mju:zɪk] abbr.
abbr. Music United For Strong Internet Copyright   ؛Maryland University Sectored Isochronous Cyclotron   ؛Multi-User Special Intelligence Communications
abbr., checkers. Multi Spectral Infrared Countermeasures (Yanamahan)
abbr., comp., IT MUltiple Signal Classification
abbr., earth.sc. multiple signal characterization algorithm
abbr., el. multiple signal classification   ؛multisensor intelligence correlation
abbr., file.ext. Multiparty Multimedia Session Control
abbr., med. Multicenter Ultrasound Stent In Coronary Artery Disease (study)
abbr., mil. MUltiple SIgnal Classification   ؛manned and unmanned systems integration capability
abbr., mil., avia. military, university, science, industrial complex
abbr., scottish Multiple Signal Classification
Music ['mju:zɪk] abbr.
abbr. 668 (the mixing is always at 12048Hz)   ؛M

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