gen. |
قانون آئين ؛ضابطه ؛اصول ؛آئین ؛حکم ؛دستور ؛دھرم ؛ڈھنگ ؛رسم ؛ریت ؛شرع ؛ضابطہ ؛طریقہ ؛فرمان ؛قانون |
gen. |
قانوناً |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
light anti-tank weapon |
law |
combination of rules and principles of conduct made known by legislative authority ؛combination of rules and principles of conduct made known by legislative authority ؛Combination of rules and principles of conduct made known by legislative authority, derived from court decisions, and established by local custom |
abbr. |
lawyer |
abbr. |
Learning Attendance Welfare ؛Licensed Appropriation Of Wealth ؛League of American Writers ؛Light Antitank Weapon ؛Local Authority Workstation ؛the League of American Writers |
abbr., avia. |
Lawton, Oklahoma USA ؛low altitude warning |
abbr., BrE |
leading aircraftwoman |
abbr., el. |
laser absorption wave |
abbr., HR |
abbr., IT |
Local Area Wireless |
abbr., mil. |
Legal Act of War ؛Light Anti-Tank Weapon ؛Lightweight Automated Howitzer ؛Land Attack Weapon |
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. |
Limited Access Wellhead |
abbr., scient. |
Love And War |
abbr., scottish |
Light Anti-armour / Anti-tank Weapon |
ecol. |
low active waste |
invest. |
lean against the wind |
mil. |
library, amphibious warfare ؛light antiarmor weapon ؛light area weapon ؛light assault weapon ؛local air warning |
tech. |
low-acid waste |
abbr., oil |
lawsonite |
abbr., earth.sc. |
lawsonite |
abbr., busin. |
lawyer |
abbr., fin. |
liquidity adjustment window |
Игорь Миг, abbr. |
RPG (советского пр-ва) |