microel. |
польовий транзистор |
microel. |
польовий транзистор з δ-легованим каналом |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Federal Excise Tax; Foreign Economic Trends; Far Eastern Time (Vosoni); Federal Estate Tax; federal excise fax (Vosoni) |
abbr., ed. |
Further Education And Training |
abbr., el. |
field emission triode; file environment table |
abbr., IT |
Field Effect Transistor |
abbr., med. |
Frozen Embryo Transfer; fluoroethyl-L-tyrosine (фторэтил-L-тирозин Dimpassy) |
abbr., mil. |
Follow-on Equipment Training; Field-Effect Transistor; facility engineer team |
abbr., oil |
fluid efficiency testing (n.lysenko) |
abbr., scottish |
Future Engineer Tank (British Army) |
mil. |
Far East time; flight engineer in training |
tech. |
field emission transistor; functional element test |
abbr., el. |
delta-doped layer field-effect transistor |
gen. |
. сокр. комп. field effect transistor |
abbr., auto. |
fuel economy test; FAR EAST TRADING CO. |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm (Method); federation of environmental technologists |
abbr., int.rel., law |
fair and equitable treatment (
The fair and equitable treatment (FET) standard is included in most bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and regional investment agreements as well as in multilateral agreements. jusmundi.com Alexander Matytsin) |
abbr., med. |
forced expiratory time |
abbr., MSDS |
fish embryo toxicity (A.Filonenko) |
abbr., oil |
formation exposure time |
abbr., space |
flight elapsed time |