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[lɪmf] n
physiol. лімфа f
poetic чиста вода; джерело чистої води; джерело n
inflammatory lymph [lɪmf] n
physiol. сукроватиця f; сукровиця f
 English thesaurus
lymph [lɪmf] n
med. A clear-to-yellowish fluid that circulates throughout the body. In addition to its fluid component, lymph consists of white blood cells especially lymphocytes and a small concentration of red blood cells and proteins. As lymph circulates, it picks up unwanted materials, such as bacteria and dead cells, which are then filtered through the lymph nodes. Lymph also supplies mature lymphocytes to the blood. see also lymph nodes
Lymph [lɪmf] abbr.
abbr., med. lymphocyte
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects

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