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[ʧes] n
gen. віконна рама; поміст m
game of chess [ʧes] n
gen. шахова гра
chess [ʧes] adj.
gen. шахи; шаховий
 English thesaurus
CHESS [ʧes] abbr.
abbr. Care Homes Education And Support Services; Clearing House Electronic Sub-register System; Community Health and Environmental; Community Health and Environmental Surveillance System; Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source
abbr., avia. crew human engineering software system
abbr., earth.sc. chemical engineering simulator system
abbr., ed. Community Health And Education Support Services
abbr., ed., scient. Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source
abbr., el. chemical engineering simulation system
abbr., med. Chemical Shift Selective Imaging Sequence; Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System
abbr., med.appl. chemical-shift-selective (harser)
abbr., mil. Correlated Hopping Enhances Spread Spectrum
abbr., mil., air.def. correlated hopping enhanced spread spectrum
abbr., securit. clearing house electronic subregister system
abbr., space correlation hopping enhanced spread spectrum
mil. combat horizon extension signal study
: 22 phrases in 5 subjects
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology1

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