gen. |
зволоження n; зволожування n; змочування n; мочіння n |
microel. |
змочування n (напр. припоєм при паянні) |
gen. |
мочити; змочувати; зволожувати; відмочити; відмочувати; замочити; замочувати (робити мокрим); змочити; намочити; намочувати; обмочувати; примочити |
amer. |
що обстоює вільний продаж алкогольних напоїв |
inf. |
що пиячить; сприскувати; примочувати; обмивати |
gen. |
зволожувальний |
O&G |
змочувальний |
gen. |
мочильний (soaking) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Waste Energy And Travel; Water Entertainment Technology; Week End Theme; Week End Thing; Week Ending Theme; Western European Time; Westland Easy Talkers Toastmasters Club; Women's Experimental Theatre |
abbr., astr., scient. |
Whole Earth Telescope |
abbr., avia. |
Wagethe, Indonesia; weight effectiveness testing |
abbr., earth.sc. |
waste extraction test |
abbr., econ. |
Western Europe Time |
abbr., ed. |
Water Education Team; Week End Tutorial |
abbr., el. |
weapon effects test |
abbr., med. |
Wellness Educational Theater; water equivalent thickness (harser) |
abbr., media. |
Women's Ensemble Theater |
abbr., mil., avia. |
weapons effectiveness test; weapons effectiveness testing |
abbr., nautic., scient. |
Water Education For Teachers; Water Education Technology; Water Efficiency Trials; Wetland Evaluation Technique; Whole Effluent Toxicity |
abbr., oil |
wavepath eikonal travel-time (inversion) |
abbr., space |
weightless environmental test-model |
abbr., st.exch. |
Water Engineering And Trading |
abbr., waste.man. |
wastewater emission target |
mil. |
weapon effectiveness test; wet environment trainer; work experience and training |
mil., abbr. |
weapon effectiveness test; wet environment trainer; work experience and training |
abbr. |
weather |
abbr., busin. |
weather |