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landing force

mil. сили висадки (десантна складова амфібійних сил готовності ВМС США); десантна група; сили десанту; десантні
mil., logist. десантні війська; десантні війська першого ешелону
assault landing force
mil. десант m (військова група)
 English thesaurus
landing force
abbr. lf
mil., logist. A task organization of troop units, aviation and ground forces, assigned to an amphibious assault. It is the highest troop echelon in the amphibious operation. (FRA); A task organization of the amphibious force capable of conducting landing operations, under a single tactical command, against a position or a group of positions. (UKR/NATO)
USA A Marine Corps or Army task organization, which is part of the amphibious force, formed to conduct amphibious operations. (JP 3-02) see also amphibious force, amphibious operation, amphibious task force, task organization
landing force
: 12 phrases in 1 subject

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