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[kəuld] n
gen. холод m; холоднеча f; простуда f; застуда f; нежить m (in the head); стужа f
environ. холод m
cold [kəuld] adj.
gen. холодний; прохолодний; непривітний; сухий; байдужий; спокійний; урівноважений; слабкий (про запах); змерзлий; нелюб'язний; остиглий; простиглий; прохололий; сухенький
tech. недіючий
cold [kəuld] adv.
gen. холодно
 English thesaurus
cold [kəuld] abbr.
abbr. colored; coloured
abbr., slang cawd (Interex)
therm.eng., abbr. c
COLD [kəuld] abbr.
abbr. Disheartening; Computer Output on LaserDisk
abbr., el. coherent light detector; computer operation laser disc; computer output to laser disc
abbr., inf. not caring
abbr., IT Computer Output To Laser Disk; computer output to laser disk
abbr., med. Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; Computer Output On Laser Disk; chronic obstructive lung disease; chronic obstructive airways disease
abbr., nautic., scient. Council on Oceanographic Laboratory Directors
abbr., oil computer output to laser disk
mil. coherent light detector
Cold [kəuld] n
gen. the Council of Industrial Design
abbr., tech. C (Insulation TheFellowShipper)
cold. abbr.
abbr., libr. colored
cold as a
: 25 phrases in 6 subjects
Emergency medical care1

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