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noun | verb | to phrases
accounting [ə'kauntɪŋ] n
comp., MS hesaplama (The process of tracking and/or analyzing user activities on a network by logging key data (e.g. amount of time in the network, services accessed, amount of data transferred))
accounting Method of recording all the transactions affecting the financial condition of a business or organization [ə'kauntɪŋ] n
environ. muhasebe
account [ə'kaunt] v
comp., MS firma (The person or business to which the salesperson tries to sell a product or service); hesap (The record-keeping mechanism used by networks and multiuser operating systems for keeping track of authorized users)
Account [ə'kaunt] v
comp., MS Hesap (A UI element that links to Account Services or other, account-related site)
 English thesaurus
accounting [ə'kauntɪŋ] abbr.
abbr. actg (Углов)
abbr., EBRD acctg
account [ə'kaunt] abbr.
abbr. acc; ac (Vosoni)
abbr., IT acct
law, abbr. a/c; acc.; acct.
USA bill (брит. Bobrovska)
: 123 phrases in 6 subjects
Austrian usage1
Non-governmental organizations2