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[ək'sesərɪ] n
comp., MS donatı (A device, such as a disk drive, printer, modem, or joystick, that is connected to a computer and is controlled by the computer's microprocessor)
weap. aksesuar (bir silâhın entegre bir parçası olmamasına rağmen onunla ilgili olarak kullanılan yağdanlık, kayış, fişeklik, vb., parça, aksam, düzen. Natalya Rovina)
 English thesaurus
accessory [ək'sesərɪ] abbr.
abbr. accy
law one who provides assistance in a crime or avoiding arrest; A person who helps someone else commit a crime, either before or after the crime
police accomplice (someone who gives assistance to the perpetrator of a crime, without directly committing it, sometimes without being present Val_Ships)
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