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comp., MS ÇYN (A collection of .NET namespaces included with Analysis Services, used to provide administrative functionality for client applications)
 English thesaurus
AMO abbr.
abbr., commun. administration & maintenance order; administration & maintenance order
AMO abbr.
abbr. Aeronautical Meteorological Office; Air Ministry Order (UK); Alliance All- Market Advantage Fund; Allied Meteorological Office; Allied Meteorological Officer; Amphibious Military Operations; Archery Manufacturer's Organization; Automatic Monthly Order; Automation Management Office (r); Atomic Memory Operation (CRAY vasuk); aircraft materiel officer; Air Ministry Order
abbr., avia. Aviation Medical Officer; Approved maintenance organization (Утвержденная организация по техническому обслуживанию geseb); aircraft airplane model option; aircraft maintenance officer; airplane aircraft model option; American aircraft company
abbr., BrE Army Medal Office; Army Medical Officer
abbr., chem. antibonding molecular orbital; alternant molecular orbital
abbr., earth.sc. alternated molecular orbit; antibonding molecular orbit
abbr., el. accumulator and memory operating; alternant molecular orbit; automatic maintenance operation
abbr., meteorol. Asociación Mexicana De Ortodoncia; axiomesio-occlusal
abbr., oil advance material order; amorphous phase; automatic maintenance operations; azimuth moveout
abbr., pharma. Abbott Medical Optics, Advanced Medical Optics (kat_j)
abbr., post Area Maintenance Office
abbr., sport. Archery Manufactures Organization
abbr., textile air mail only
mil. advanced material order; air movement officer; aircraft material officer; assistant medical officer; automation management officer; aviation medical officer

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