comp., MS |
EDS (A component of Cisco Identity Based Networking Services (IBNS) architecture that improves network access security for Cisco network devices) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
alto-cumulus |
abbr., earth.sc. |
acmite; acrylonitrile |
abbr., met. |
arrest point on chauffage (heating) |
abbr., oil |
acreage; actinolite |
chem. |
acylate (Углов) |
abbr. |
acetone; acetyl |
abbr., adm.law. |
administrative code (igisheva) |
abbr., adv. |
advertising campaign (Mrs_Andromeda) |
abbr., airccon. |
air conditioner (Val_Ships) |
abbr., chem. |
acetate; acyl; alicyclic |
abbr., earth.sc. |
academy |
abbr., law, copyr. |
author's certificate (igisheva) |
abbr., progr. |
address calculation (ssn); allocation class (ssn) |
abbr. |
Administration For Children's Services; Advanced Camera For Surveys; acoustic control system (акустическая управляющая система Углов); Active Character Select; Adder Comparator Selector; Air Craft Spruce; air-conditioning system (система кондиционирования воздуха Углов); American Camellia Society (Американское общество любителей и селекционеров камелий Углов); American Carnation Society (Американское общество любителей и селекционеров (садовой) (красной) гвоздики Углов); Association of Clinical Scientists (Ассоциация учёных, работающих в медицинских клиниках (США) Углов); accumulator switch; alternating current synchronous; advanced communications system; Average Combined Score (ННатальЯ); Admiralty Computing Service; Alaska communication system; Applied Computer Sciences Ltd.; Army Communication Service; acrylonitrile-chlorinated polyethylene-styrene terpolymer; alarm and control system; Agricultural Cooperative Society; agricultural co-operative societies |
abbr., agric. |
absorption capacity of soil |
abbr., astronaut. |
aeroflight control system (сокр.) система управления в воздушном полёте (МВКА Углов); aeroflight control system; Alcantara Cyclone Space (semfromshire) |
abbr., auto. |
air conditioning system (switch); A/C/pressure switch (signal); altitude compensation stopper; analogue computer system; aneroid compensating stopper; air charge temperature sensor |
abbr., auto., org.name. |
Automobile Club of Switzerland |
abbr., automat. |
active control station ((сокр.) активная контрольная (управляющая) станция Углов) |
abbr., avia. |
anti-collision system; Accountable Source Software; aircraft control and surveillance; audio control system; auto chart system; automated communications set; alternating current supply; automatic dispatch system; ACESS configuration system; accessory control specification; acquisition control system; active cancellation system; activity control system; advanced computer services; aerodrome control service; aft crew section; air combat simulator; air cycle system; airborne command system; airborne communication system; airborne control system; aircraft call signal; aircraft communication system; aircraft control system; airplane configuration system; armament control set; assembly control sheet; associate contractor support; audio communication system; authority configuration system; automated cartography system; automatic channel selection; automatic check checkout system; auxiliary core storage; avionics cooling system |
abbr., biol. |
antireticular cytotoxic serum (антиретикулярная цитотоксическая сыворотка Углов) |
abbr., BrE |
Admiral Commanding, Submarines; Army Canteen Service |
abbr., busin. |
airline charter service |
abbr., chem. |
American Chemical Society (Natalya Rovina) |
abbr., cinema |
Australian Society of Cinematographers |
abbr., commun. |
Automatic Cab Signal system; Axle Counting System |
abbr., comp. |
assembly control systems; auxiliary control station |
abbr., comp., net. |
Asynchronous Communications Server; automated cartridge system |
abbr., cryptogr. |
access control services |
abbr., drug.name |
antenatal corticosteroids (iwona) |
abbr., earth.sc. |
acrylonitrile-chlorinate ethylenestyrene; advanced ceramic system; American Ceramic Society; American Chemical Society Committee on Analytical Reagents; atmosphere climate study; Austrian Chemical Society |
abbr., ed., scient. |
American College Of Sofia |
abbr., el. |
access control server; accounting control system; active communications satellite; address control shift register; admission control service; advanced cabling system; advanced charging system; advanced communications satellite; advanced communications sub system; Advanced Crystal Sciences, Inc.; air communications service; alarm call service; all channel signaling; Apollo command system; area communication system; ARPA calibration satellite; associated channel signaling; atmosphere correction system for lens; atmospheric compensation system; automatic call sender; automatic compensation system; automatic constraint synthesis; Asia cellular satellite; automatic call sequencer |
abbr., el., scient. |
Adjacent Channel Selectivity |
abbr., electr.eng. |
automatic contingency selection |
abbr., electric. |
aluminum clad steel (Walter_) |
abbr., energ.ind. |
automatic control system (MichaelBurov); above-core structure; auxiliary cooling system (MichaelBurov); auxiliary coolant system (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., exhib. |
automated commercial system |
abbr., file.ext. |
Access Control Set; Advanced Computer System (IBM) |
abbr., food.ind. |
automatic cleaning system (Venita) |
abbr., for.pol. |
Association of Caribbean States (Доброжеватель) |
abbr., forestr. |
angle-count method |
abbr., hindi |
assistant customs superintendant (inn) |
abbr., insur. |
Associate, Customer Service |
abbr., IT |
Alternate Character Set; Australian Computer Society; alphameric character set ((сокр.) набор [комплект] буквенно-цифровых символов Углов); access control store; addition, comparison and selection (сокр.) суммирование, сравнение и селекция (выборка Углов); advanced calling service; advanced chipset setup; advanced communication service; advanced communication system; advanced connectivity system; ant colony system; automatic class selection; autoimmune computer systems; Advanced Communications Services |
abbr., karate. |
active control system |
abbr., logist. |
Alameda Corridor Surcharge |
abbr., med. |
Acrocallosal Syndrome; Acute Coronary Syndrome; Acute Coronary Syndromes (periodical); Association Des Cadres De Santé; abdominal compartment syndrome (абдоминальный компартмент-синдром Dimpassy); acute clinical syndrome (Игорь_2006); acute coronary syndrome (острый коронарный синдром Dimpassy); Acute Compartment Syndrome (chistochel); acrocephalosyndactyly; Ambulatory Care Service; American Cancer Society; American College of Surgeons; anticytotoxic serum; arteria colica sinistra |
abbr., med.appl. |
Advanced Computational System (Siemens harser) |
abbr., mil. |
Aerial Common Sensor; AEGIS Combat System; agile combat support; air-capable ship; airspace control system; auxiliary crane ship; armored cavalry squadron; AUTODIN Switching Center; Aeronautical Chart Service; Alaskan Communications Service; Army Camouflage School; Army Communications Service; Army Community Service; Army Council Secretariat; Assistant Chief of Staff; armored cavalry squadrons |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
active communication satellite; airborne COMINT system; airborne common sensor; automated control systems |
abbr., mil., avia. |
airborne warning and control system; airplane position and attitude camera system |
abbr., mil., BrE |
airfield construction squadron |
abbr., mil., WMD |
Agent collection system; analytical concentration system; air contamination sources |
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. |
Authorization for Construction Services |
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. |
antiscale control system; authorisation for construction services |
abbr., oil |
anionic-cationic surfactant; accumulator switches; acrylonitrile-chlorinated ethylene-styrene (copolymer); advanced cartographic system; affinity communications space; alignment countdown set; Americal Chemical Society; American Corrosion Services; applied computer science; assembly control system; asynchronous communication server; Atlantic continental shelf; Australian Chemical Society; automatic cutting sampler |
abbr., opt. |
atmospheric calibration sensor |
abbr., physiol. |
AntiCholinergic Syndrome |
abbr., plast. |
acrylonitrile-chlorinated polyethylene-styrene; acrylonitrile-chlorinated polyethylene-styrene copolymer; acrylonitrile-chlorinated-polyethylene-styrene copolymer; thermoplastic blend of a copolymer from acrylonitrile and styrene with chlorinated polyethylene |
abbr., post |
Address Change Service (Interex) |
abbr., radio, scient. |
Auxiliary Communications Service |
abbr., robot. |
autonomous control system (qwarty) |
abbr., scottish |
type abbreviation Auxiliary Crane Ship; Adaptive Computer Systems; Advanced Communications Systems Inc. (USA); Air Commando Squadron (USAF) |
abbr., sec.sys. |
access control software; access control system |
abbr., sec.sys., IT |
Access Control System |
abbr., shipb. |
American Canal Society |
abbr., space |
adaptive computer system; area control station; American communications satellite; associated computer system; attitude command system; attitude control system; automatic coding system |
abbr., st.exch. |
Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. |
abbr., tech. |
Automated Completion System (Yerkwantai); alternate core spray (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., textile |
Associate in Commercial Science |
abbr., tradem. |
Affiliated Computer Services |
abbr., vet.med., med. |
American Cocker Spaniel |
comp., abbr. |
add-compare-select unit; ancillary communication service |
energ.ind., abbr. |
above core structure |
mil., abbr. |
Alaskan communications system; Army calibration system; adaptive control system; advanced cryptographic system; afloat correlation system; air capable ship; air cavalry squadron; aircraft communications system; airman classification squadron; alphanumeric communications system; analog computer system; analysis computer system; armament control system; armored cars; artillery computer system; audio communications system; automated cartographic system; automated control system; automatic checkout system; automatic control system; azimuth control system |
tech., abbr. |
Alaska communications system; addition, comparison and selection operations; advanced communications service; alpha numeric character set; alternate core spray; alternating-gradient synchrotron; anticlutter system; arithmetic and control section; atmosphere control system; attack center switchboard; attitude control and stabilization; attitude control sensor; automatic cartographic system; automatic counter system; auxiliary coolant system |
abbr. |
access; armoured cars |
abbr. |
Agreed Characteristics |
abbr. |
author's corrections |