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comp., MS СPF (An 11-digit identification number issued to Brazilians and resident aliens by the Brazilian Ministry of Revenue for identification and tax purposes)
 English thesaurus
CPF abbr.
abbr. Calibration Product File; Central Provident Fund; Certified Picture Framer; Chorus Parents And Friends; Common Preference Finding; Contour Polyhedral Function; Creoles and Pidgins, French-based; Cycles Per Flop; Central Post Fund; Colloidal Phosphate Free; Commonwealth Police Force; centre of pressur forward; circulating power fraction
abbr., AI. Cepstrum Postpositional Filter
abbr., antitrust. сombating proliferation financing (DoceNNt)
abbr., avia. Cepu, Indonesia; central programme function; change process flow; corrosion prevention fluid; cost plus fee
abbr., busin. counterpart fund
abbr., chem. coated particles fuel
abbr., chem., scient. Concentrated Powder Form
abbr., dril. central processing furniture
abbr., earth.sc. capillary pressure function; counter part fund; cumulative probability function
abbr., ed. certified professional facilitator (Andrey250780)
abbr., el. control program facility; charge potential feedback; cryptographic programmed facility; cumulative percent fraction; cumulative pre-failure distribution
abbr., fin. Country Partnership Framework
abbr., genet. cleavage and polyA specific factor
abbr., IT The Complete Fax - Fax file
abbr., med. Cardiac Peak Frequency; Cleft Palate Foundation; Cyclophosphan, Prednisolone, Phtoruracil
abbr., med.appl. cascade plasma filtration (MichaelBurov); double cascade plasma filtration (MichaelBurov); double plasma filtration (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. Cost Per Fix
abbr., mil., avia. cargo processing facility
abbr., nano concentrated powder form (метод микронизации материалов с использованием сверхкритического флюида Min$draV)
abbr., nucl.phys., radiogr. contrast perceptibility function
abbr., O&G crude processing facility (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, oilfield. Central Processing Facilities (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil Central Processing Facility (MichaelBurov); casing pressure flowing; closed power fluid; cost per foot; Causey Pike fault; central platform facility; central production facilities; closed type power fluid system; coke production index; controlled pulse fracturing
abbr., org.name. Collaborative Partnership on Forests; Country Programming Framework
abbr., pharma. China Packaging Federation (I. Havkin)
abbr., plast. Clear Polyester Film
abbr., post Competitive Products Fund (under USPS PAEA reorganization, 2007)
abbr., progr. communication profile family (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Clearcase Product Family
abbr., proj.manag. cost-plus-fee
abbr., space combined pressure/flow probe
abbr., sport. Climb Performance Factor
comp. co-orbiting platform
energ.ind. coated particle fuel; complete power failure
mil. Canadian patrol frigate
tech. cargo processing facility; cost per flight; country program framework

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