comp., MS |
СPF (An 11-digit identification number issued to Brazilians and resident aliens by the Brazilian Ministry of Revenue for identification and tax purposes) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Calibration Product File; Central Provident Fund; Certified Picture Framer; Chorus Parents And Friends; Common Preference Finding; Contour Polyhedral Function; Creoles and Pidgins, French-based; Cycles Per Flop; Central Post Fund; Colloidal Phosphate Free; Commonwealth Police Force; centre of pressur forward; circulating power fraction |
abbr., AI. |
Cepstrum Postpositional Filter |
abbr., antitrust. |
сombating proliferation financing (DoceNNt) |
abbr., avia. |
Cepu, Indonesia; central programme function; change process flow; corrosion prevention fluid; cost plus fee |
abbr., busin. |
counterpart fund |
abbr., chem. |
coated particles fuel |
abbr., chem., scient. |
Concentrated Powder Form |
abbr., dril. |
central processing furniture |
abbr., earth.sc. |
capillary pressure function; counter part fund; cumulative probability function |
abbr., ed. |
certified professional facilitator (Andrey250780) |
abbr., el. |
control program facility; charge potential feedback; cryptographic programmed facility; cumulative percent fraction; cumulative pre-failure distribution |
abbr., fin. |
Country Partnership Framework |
abbr., genet. |
cleavage and polyA specific factor |
abbr., IT |
The Complete Fax - Fax file |
abbr., med. |
Cardiac Peak Frequency; Cleft Palate Foundation; Cyclophosphan, Prednisolone, Phtoruracil |
abbr., med.appl. |
cascade plasma filtration (MichaelBurov); double cascade plasma filtration (MichaelBurov); double plasma filtration (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., mil. |
Cost Per Fix |
abbr., mil., avia. |
cargo processing facility |
abbr., nano |
concentrated powder form (метод микронизации материалов с использованием сверхкритического флюида Min$draV) |
abbr., nucl.phys., radiogr. |
contrast perceptibility function |
abbr., O&G |
crude processing facility (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., O&G, oilfield. |
Central Processing Facilities (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., oil |
Central Processing Facility (MichaelBurov); casing pressure flowing; closed power fluid; cost per foot; Causey Pike fault; central platform facility; central production facilities; closed type power fluid system; coke production index; controlled pulse fracturing |
abbr., org.name. |
Collaborative Partnership on Forests; Country Programming Framework |
abbr., pharma. |
China Packaging Federation (I. Havkin) |
abbr., plast. |
Clear Polyester Film |
abbr., post |
Competitive Products Fund (under USPS PAEA reorganization, 2007) |
abbr., progr. |
communication profile family (ssn) |
abbr., progr., IT |
Clearcase Product Family |
abbr., proj.manag. |
cost-plus-fee |
abbr., space |
combined pressure/flow probe |
abbr., sport. |
Climb Performance Factor |
comp. |
co-orbiting platform |
energ.ind. |
coated particle fuel; complete power failure |
mil. |
Canadian patrol frigate |
tech. |
cargo processing facility; cost per flight; country program framework |