comp., MS |
Аэро (The visual experience of the premium Windows Vista editions. Windows Aero builds on the Basic and Standard user experiences to offer customers our best-designed, highest-performing desktop environment. A noticeable element of the new Windows Aero experience is the professional-looking, transparent glass design, which creates an open, lightweight environment but more importantly enables users to focus on their content rather than the interface) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Aeronautics Employees Reaching Out; Alternative Education Resource Organization; Artists Equal Rights Organization; aerographer (метеоролог Углов); Air Education and Recreation Organization (Организация по авиационному образованию и рекреации (Великобритания) Углов); Association for Excellence in Reactor Operations; Association of Electronic Reserve Officers |
abbr., avia. |
aerodynamic; atmospheric flight support; aviation routine weather report |
abbr., cartogr. |
aeronautic; aeronautical; aeronautical beacon; aeronautical light |
abbr., ed. |
American Education Reaches Out |
abbr., med. |
Aerobacter |
abbr., mil. |
Aeronautical Events Reports Organizer; Aircraft Engine Repair Overhaul |
abbr., mil., avia. |
aeroballistics |
abbr., progr., IT |
Animation Editor for Realistic Object |
abbr., scottish |
Aeronautical weather report |
abbr., sport. |
Aerobic Endurance Resistance Overload |
tech. |
azimuth, elevation and range overtake |
abbr. |
aerodynamics; aeronautics |
abbr. |
aerodrome |
abbr. |
aerodynamically efficient |
abbr., econ. |
aeronautics; aeronautical |
abbr., scient. |
aeronautical |
cycl. |
aerodynamically efficient (эффективный аэродинамически, т.е. обеспечивающий минимальное аэродинамическое сопротивление) |
file.ext. |
Aviation Industry (Domain Name, Internet) |
abbr., mil., astronaut. |
aeronomy satellite |
inet. |
Aviation Industry (Domain Name) |
abbr., avia. |
aero; Air Education and Research Organisation; azimuth; elevation and range overtake |