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['kætəlɒg, 'kæt̬əlɒːg] n
comp., MS filförteckning (A directory of information about data sets, files, or a database. It usually describes where a data set, file or database entity is located and may also include other information, such as the type of device on which each data set or file is stored); katalòg (A list of Web Parts controls (or other Web server, custom server, or user controls), created by a System.Web.UI.WebControls.CatalogPart control, that users can add to a Web Parts page)
IT, dat.proc. katalòg
to catalog ['kætəlɒg, 'kæt̬əlɒːg] n
IT, dat.proc. katalogiséring
 English thesaurus
catalog ['kætəlɒg, 'kæt̬əlɒːg] abbr.
abbr. cat
tech., abbr. clg
Catalog ['kætəlɒg, 'kæt̬əlɒːg] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .cat (file name extension)
: 47 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology2
Work flow22

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