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comp., MS Lägga till
comp., MS lägga till
| seal
econ. säl
environ. sigill; försegling; tätning
industr. construct. grundera porer
industr. construct. met. hopsmältning
mater.sc. svetsfog
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to phrases


[ə'pend] v
comp., MS lägga tíll (To place or insert as an attachment by adding data to the end of a file or database or extending a character string)
Append [ə'pend] v
comp., MS Lägga tíll (An access right available in Microsoft Dynamics CRM that enables users to attach an entity instance to the selected entity instance)
to append [ə'pend] v
IT, el. lägga till i slutet
 English thesaurus
Append. abbr.
abbr. Appéndix
append seal
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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