account. |
förlúst |
econ. |
underskott |
el. |
dä̀mpning; överföringsdämpning; förluster; förluster i överföringen |
el.mach. |
effektförlust |
loss The result of a business operation where overhead costs are greater than the receipts or income [lɔs] n | |
environ. |
förlúst |
stat., el. |
förluster |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Local Outreach To Survivors Of Suicide |
abbr., earth.sc. |
lunar orbital survey system |
abbr., nautic., scient. |
LAPS Observing System Simulation |
abbr., oil |
large object salvage system |
abbr., progr., IT |
Lcars Operating System Shell |
abbr., sat.comm. |
Low Orbit Server Station |
abbr., space |
landing observer signal system; lunar orbit space station |
abbr., surg. |
Laparoscopic Obesity Stimulation Survey (Natalya Rovina) |
mil. |
landing observer signal system |