agric., mech.eng. |
skank |
construct. |
spìra |
econ. |
stándard |
industr., construct. |
grundmodell |
law, pharma., environ. |
norm |
mech.eng. |
pèlare |
tech. |
normál |
el., meas.inst. |
mätnormal |
standard 1. Something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison. 2. An object regarded as the most common size or form of its kind. 3. A rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment. 4. An average or normal quality, quantity, or level ['stændəd] n | |
environ. |
stándard |
nat.sc., met., mech.eng. |
kolónn |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
standardization; stan |
abbr., polym. |
st |
IT |
A mandatory requirement, code of practice or specification approved by a recognized external standards organization, such as International Organization for Standardization (ISO) |
mil., logist. |
Set of rules adopted by national or international authorities, defining the criteria ensuring a compatibility between items of equipment, networks, etc. (FRA) |
abbr. |
standardization |
abbr., dent.impl. |
S (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., polym. |
Std (группа этилцеллюлозных субстанций с этоксильным числом (содержанием этоксильных групп) от 48,0 до 49,5%. Цифровое обозначение, следующее за буквенным "Std." соответствует вязкости 5%-ого раствора продукта, измеренной при 25 град. Цельсия, в единицах мПа*с (миллипаскаль*сек), что эквивалентно сП (сантипуаз). Пример: Std. 10; Std. 45; Std. 100 и т.д. http://www.dow.com/dowwolff/en/pdf/192-00818.pdf Min$draV) |
abbr., qual.cont. |
British |