agric. |
långskyl |
commun. |
magasín |
earth.sc. |
emulsionsstapel |
environ. |
skòrsten |
EU. |
tràve; hö̀g; skorstensgrupp |
forestr. |
höglägga; vä̀lta; stapling |
industr., construct., met. |
stàpel; stapel av råglas |
IT |
stackminne |
life.sc., industr. |
staplad växt |
mater.sc., mech.eng. |
stàpla |
tech., industr., construct. |
maskinkalander; maskinglätt |
transp. |
väntläge för inflygning |
transp., engl. |
stack |
stack The portion of a chimney rising above the roof [stæk] n | |
environ. |
stack; hö̀g; långskyl; skorstensgrupp; tràve |
gen. |
magasín (bookstacks; An area of shelves in a library) |
agric. |
flaskstapel; stàpel |
el. |
kondensatorstapel |
construct. |
utsättning |
industr., construct., chem. |
inlyftning |
industr., construct., met. |
stapling |
English thesaurus |
mus.instr. |
⇒ head and cab stack (The main difference between a combo amp and a head and cab is that one comes with a built-in speaker. A combo amp provides a player with an amplifier and speaker all in one case. The head and cab are separate products. They need to be connected together in order to obtain the same result.
); head and cab (The main difference between a combo amp and a head and cab is that one comes with a built-in speaker. A combo amp provides a player with an amplifier and speaker all in one case. The head and cab are separate products. They need to be connected together in order to obtain the same result.
) |
| |
avia., Canada |
A number of aircraft holding at a common fix with vertical separation |
abbr., ed. |
Students Teach Adults Computer Knowledge |
telecom. |
Start Acknowledgment |
abbr., oil |
stach yodes |