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[bʌd] n
gen. botón m
agric. escudete m; echar brotes
bot. yema f; gromo m
ecol. brote m; brotar
life.sc. botón m (gemma); yema f (gemma)
med. grano m
bud terminal [bʌd] n
bot. yema terminal
bud adventitious [bʌd] n
bot. yema adventicia
to bud [bʌd] n
nat.sc. echar yemas
 English thesaurus
bud [bʌd] abbr.
abbr. budget
USA buddy (abbr. - as in "move along, bud" Val_Ships)
bud. abbr.
abbr., commer. budget
BUD [bʌd] abbr.
abbr. Busted Up Dog
abbr., el. bulk unipolar diode
abbr., electr.eng. buried underground distribution
abbr., food.ind. Budweise (abbr.)
abbr., lab.eq. Black Urine Disease
abbr., mil. Beneficial Use Date
abbr., mil., navy Basic Underwater Demolition (hizman)
abbr., oil.proc. bottom unheading device (of a coke drum Arivle)
abbr., pharma. beyond-use date (Beyond-use dates (BUDs) are the date or time after which a compounded sterile preparation (CSP) or compounded nonsterile preparation (CNSP) may not be stored or transported and are calculated from the date or time of compounding ProtoMolecule)
abbr., st.exch. Anheuser Busch Companies, Inc.
abbr., vet.med., med. Big Ugly Dog
airports, avia. Budapest, Hungary
food.ind., abbr. Budweiser
mil. Budget Office
BUDS abbr.
abbr. Brothas Unda Da Skin
abbr., mil. Back- Up Digital System; Basic Underwater Demolition School
abbr., space back-up despin system
chat., inet. Buddies
tech. backup digital system
Bud [bʌd] abbr.
abbr., amer. Budweiser beer (abbr. Val_Ships)
: 181 phrases in 12 subjects
Food industry2
Health care2
Life sciences7
Natural sciences47

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