gen. |
bifurcar; ramificar; ramo m; Núcleo m |
agric., construct. |
ramal de dren |
bot. |
rama f |
chem. |
derivación f; pieza de injerto de tubo |
coal. |
ramal m; apófisis f; brazo m |
commun., IT |
bifurcación f |
comp., MS |
crear una bifurcación (To allow a collection of files to evolve in two or more divergent paths); rama f (A segment of a logical tree structure, representing a folder and any folders that it contains); ramificación f (A fork within a conversation, where more than one reply was made to a single e-mail and caused a split in the conversation) |
econ. |
sucursal f |
ed. |
campus m; sede f |
fin. |
agencia f |
IT |
salto m; bifurcarse; ramificarse; separarse |
med. |
ramo m (ramus); ramus |
nat.sc. |
rama f (ramus) |
patents. |
profesión f; especialidad f; rama de la industria |
polym. |
ramificación o rama |
tech. |
derivado m |
telecom. |
enlace directo |
transp. |
empalme m; entronque m; incorporación f |
forestr. |
ramas f |
insur., busin., labor.org. |
filiales m |
IT, tech. |
bifurcar; enlazar |
branch e.g., of state gov’t. [brɑ:nʧ] n | |
law |
poder m |
ed. |
recinto m |
comp., MS |
ejecutar múltiples versiones en paralelo (In reference to a package, to upgrade an existing sequenced application package and run it side-by-side with the original sequenced application package) |
gen. |
bifurcación |
agric. |
ramifacición |
forestr., industr., construct. |
desrame |
nat.sc. |
ramificación (ramificatio); dendrítico |
English thesaurus |
mil., abbr. |
br |
An arm or service of the Army. see also sequel; The contingency options built into the base plan used for changing the mission, orientation, or direction of movement of a force to aid success of the operation based on anticipated events, opportunities, or disruptions caused by enemy actions and reactions (JP 5-0) see also sequel; A subdivision of any organization. see also sequel; A geographically separate unit of an activity, which performs all or part of the primary functions of the parent activity on a smaller scale. see also sequel |
foreig.aff. |
Office of a Deputy Minister (a Deputy Minister's Office) |