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['bækfɪl] n
construct. relleno del trasdós de un muro de contención
backfill ['bækfɪl] v
coal. macidado
backfilling v
coal. rellenado
construct. terraplenado
industr. mamposteado de relleno
backfill ['bækfɪl] adj.
construct. taponamiento de fisuras en la mampostería
met. masa apisonada de refractario de relleno E
soil. terraplén
transp., construct. relleno
backfill 2b ['bækfɪl] adj.
coal. revestimiento
to backfill ['bækfɪl] adj.
el., construct. rellenar
 English thesaurus
backfill ['bækfɪl] adj.
USA Reserve Component units and individuals recalled to replace deploying active units and/or individuals in the continental United States and outside the continental United States (JP 4-05) see also Reserve Component
: 9 phrases in 5 subjects
Cables and cable production2
Power lines1

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