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noun | verb
authenticate [ɔ:'θentɪkeɪt] n
patents. confirmar m; verificar; comprobar m; certificar
authenticate [ɔ:'θentɪkeɪt] v
gen. comprobcr; documentar
law  autentificar
to authenticate [ɔ:'θentɪkeɪt] v
commun., IT autenticar; autentificar
law legalizar; refrendar
authenticate verify as authentic [ɔ:'θentɪkeɪt] v
law autentificar
 English thesaurus
authenticate [ɔ:'θentɪkeɪt] n
law When records or accounts are looked at to check that they are right and complete
authenticate [ɔ:'θentɪkeɪt] v
law establish that something is genuine or valid; verify as authentic