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['ɔ:dɪt] n
gen. controlar; revision f; control in situ; control sobre el terreno; auditoría de cuentas; auditar
bank. intervención f
comp., MS auditar (To track changes in entities and fields as required)
econ. auditoría f
fin. auditorìa (of accounts); revisión f (of accounts); verificación de cuentas (of accounts); control m; fiscalización f; verificación f; censura de cuentas; revisión de cuentas
IMF. llevar a cabo una auditoría; comprobar las cuentas
law  auditar
tech. examen de cuentas
audit of accounts ['ɔ:dɪt] n
fin. auditorìa; revisión f; verificación de cuentas
audit The periodic or continuous verification of the accounts, assets and liabilities of a company or other organization, often to confirm compliance with legal and professional standards ['ɔ:dɪt] n
environ. auditoría f
audit a course ['ɔ:dɪt] n
ed. tomar un curso en calidad de oyente
to audit ['ɔ:dɪt] n
IT auditar
auditing ['ɔːdɪtɪŋ] v
comp., MS auditoría f (The process an operating system uses to detect and record security-related events, such as an attempt to create, to access, or to delete objects such as files and directories. The records of such events are stored in a file known as a security log, whose contents are available only to those with the proper clearance)
econ. verificación de cuentas
econ., account. control contable; control de cuentas; revisión contable
IT auditaje
polit. auditorìa
 English thesaurus
audit ['ɔ:dɪt] n
IT Formal inspection and verification to check whether a standard or set of guidelines is being followed, records are accurate, or efficiency and effectiveness targets are being met (May be carried out by internal or external groups)
law When records or accounts are looked at to check that they are right and complete; when records or accounts are looked at to check that they are right and complete;  to establish accuracy or efficiency; The process an operating system uses to detect and record security-related events, such as an attempt to create, to access, or to delete objects such as files and directories. The records of such events are stored in a file known as a security log, whose contents are available only to those with the proper clearance
AUDIT ['ɔ:dɪt] abbr.
abbr. AUtomated Data Input Terminal
abbr., astronaut. Assessment Using Debris Impact Theory
abbr., avia. aircraft unitized diagnostic inspection and test; automatic unattended detection inspection transmitter
abbr., el. auditory input task
abbr., HR verification des comptes
abbr., med. Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
abbr., mil. Army Uniform Data Inquiry Technique
tech. automatic unattended detection inspection transmitter
audit ['ɔ:dɪt] v
law to establish accuracy or efficiency
AUDIT ['ɔ:dɪt] abbr.
abbr., med. Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (iwona)
: 482 phrases in 35 subjects
Corporate governance9
Data processing1
Energy industry3
Government, administration and public services3
Health care2
Human rights activism1
Information technology27
International Monetary Fund26
Materials science2
Name of organization4
Obsolete / dated2
Pharmacy and pharmacology1
Social science1
United Nations8

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