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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
sentence ['sentens] n
comp. oración f
law pena f (jail sentence);  sentencia f; <-> sentenciar; castigo m; condena f; imponer la condena; imponer la pena
law, environ. juicio m
patents. fallo n
strafrechtl. sentence ['sentens] n
patents. condenación f
sentence ['sentens] v
law condenar a (to sentence somebody to); condenar imponer la condena; sentenciar
sentencing assigning a punishment to a convict v
law sentenciamiento
sentence ['sentens] adj.
gen. condenar; frase; punicion
law sentencia f (in general)
sentence to assign a punishment ['sentens] adj.
law sentenciar
sentence punishment assigned by the court ['sentens] adj.
law sentencia
 English thesaurus
sentence ['sentens] n
law to assign a punishment; a judgment by a court specifying the punishment of somebody convicted of a crime; punishment assigned by the court; A judge's formal pronouncement of the punishment to be given to a person convicted of a crime
lit. A grammatical unit consisting of a subject and verb. It is generally end-stopped and begins with a capital letter.
Sentence ['sentens] n
law, abbr. S
: 139 phrases in 12 subjects
Criminal law3
Earth sciences1
Human rights activism1
Immigration and citizenship2
Social science1