gen. |
busca f; búsqueda f; detección m; operación de búsqueda; registrar 128 |
bank. |
buscar |
comp., MS |
búsqueda f (The process of seeking a particular file or specific data. A search is carried out by a program through comparison or calculation to determine whether a match to some pattern exists or whether some other criteria have been met) |
econ. |
registro domiciliario |
IT |
investigación f |
law |
registro m; cateo m; registrar (revisar); allanamiento m |
stat., commun. |
exploración |
work.fl. |
interrogación f |
comp. |
buscar hacia |
comp., MS |
Búsqueda f (A search feature associated with folders and programs that begins to display results as soon as a keyword is entered. When you enter text, files in the current view are automatically filtered to show only those that match what you typed); Buscar m (The UI element that initiates the process of seeking a particular file or specific data. A search is carried out by a program through comparison or calculation to determine whether a match to some pattern exists or whether some other criteria have been met) |
patents. |
rebuscar |
mil., artil. |
hacer fuego progresivo |
radioloc. |
explorar |
tech. |
catear; escudriñar; registrar (una casa) |
English thesaurus |
abbr., austral., slang |
fossick |
abbr., IT |
srch |
mil., abbr. |
sch |
A systematic reconnaissance of a defined area, so that all parts of the area have passed within visibility (JP 3-50) |
abbr. |
Seek Evaluate Analyze Research Challenge And Hypothesize; Self Employed Arts Related Contractors For Hire; Supernatural Entity Anomaly Research & Cryptid Hunters; system evaluation and reliability checker SEARAM, semiactive radar missile; System for Electronic Analysis and Retrieval of Criminal Histories |
abbr., cryo. |
US Study of Environmental Arctic Change |
abbr., ed. |
Students Excited About Reaching Challenging Heights; Students Experiencing Appropriate Research And Creative Happenings |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Scan, Examine, Act, Review, Connect, And Hunt |
abbr., el. |
system evaluation and reliability checker |
abbr., environ. |
Southwestern Endangered Aridland Resource Clearing House |
abbr., health., med. |
Screening Elders To Access Referrals Care And Health |
abbr., IT |
Search Envisioned As Relation And Class Hierarchizing |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Scan, Examine, Act, Review, Connect, and Hunt |
abbr., law |
Sexism Ethnicity Ageism Racism Culturalism And Homophobia |
abbr., relig. |
Seeking Employment And Renewing Christian Hope; South East Area Rochester Churches For Habitat |
mil. |
system evaluation and reliability checker |
ocean., nautic., scient. |
Study of Environmental Arctic Change |
abbr., busin. |
systematic evaluation analysis of reliability and challenge |