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to emit

[ɪ'mɪt] v
gen. oddajati
 English thesaurus
EMIT [ɪ'mɪt] abbr.
abbr. ExxonMobil Information Systems (Belyayev); ExxonMobil Information Technology (Belyayev)
abbr., biol. enzyme multipled immunoassay technique; enzyme-multiplied immunoassay
abbr., earth.sc. elliptic marching integration technique
abbr., el. embedded micro internetworking technology; Emerging Microelectronics and Interconnection Technologies International Conference
abbr., energ.ind. Energy Manager In Training (Millie)
abbr., immunol. enzyme multiplied immune technique
abbr., med. Enzyme Multiple Immunoassay Technique; Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique
abbr., space electromagnetic intelligence; electromagnetic interference test
mil. electromagnetic interference testing; emergency message initiation terminal; engineering management information technique
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