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terminal lug

[lʌg] v
cables kabelski čevelj
 English thesaurus
lug [lʌg] abbr.
abbr. luggage
LUG [lʌg] abbr.
abbr. Ganda; Local Users Group
abbr., avia. light utility glider
abbr., comp., net. Local User Group
abbr., el. librarian user group; LOP unequipped generator
abbr., IT Linux Users Group; List Useless Garbage
abbr., mil., avia. Army light utility cargo glider; logistics item identification guide
airports, avia. Lugano, Switzerland
mil. light utility cargo glider
lUG [lʌg] abbr.
abbr. Intelligence Users' Guide
tech. London university computing services
LUG [lʌg] abbr.
abbr., oil lubricating upper gland
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Cables and cable production2

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