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active-state power management

comp., MS aktívny režim riadenia potreby (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
Active State Power Management
comp., MS politika Active State Power Management (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
 English thesaurus
active-state power management
comp., MS Active State Power Management (A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use)
Active State Power Management
abbr., softw. ASPM (управление питанием в активном состоянии Technical)
active-state power management A power-saving mode which reserves power by ensuring efficient execution of computing tasks and by reducing the number of components running unnecessarily when not actually in use
abbr., comp., MS Active State Power Management

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