comp., MS |
Konto (A tab in the Backstage view where users can manage their identities and services, view licensing details, and link to account management features) |
comp., MS |
obchodný vzťah, zákazník (The person or business to which the salesperson tries to sell a product or service); konto (The record-keeping mechanism used by networks and multiuser operating systems for keeping track of authorized users) |
econ. |
účet |
comp., MS |
konto (A UI element that links to Account Services or other, account-related site) |
accounting Method of recording all the transactions affecting the financial condition of a business or organization [ə'kauntɪŋ] v | |
environ. |
účtovná evidencia |
account. |
účty |
econ. |
účtovníctvo |
English thesaurus |
law |
report, description |
abbr. |
acc; ac (Vosoni) |
abbr., IT |
acct |
law, abbr. |
a/c; acc.; acct. |
bill (брит. Bobrovska) |