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comp., MS Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (An open industry specification that defines power management on a wide range of mobile, desktop, and server computers and peripherals. ACPI is the foundation for the OnNow industry initiative that allows system manufacturers to deliver computers that start at the touch of a keyboard. ACPI design is essential to take full advantage of power management and Plug and Play)
 English thesaurus
ACPI abbr.
abbr. All Chips Permanently Incinerated; Audit Commission Performance Indicator; Advanced Configuration And Power Integration
abbr., comp., IT Advance Component Power Interface; Advanced Computer Power Interface
abbr., comp., net., IT Advanced Configuration And Power Initiative
abbr., el. automatic cable pair identification
abbr., el., scient. Advanced Configuration and Power Integration; Advanced Control Power Interface
abbr., IT Advance Configuration And Power Interface; Advanced Configuration And Power Interface; Advanced Configuration Power Interface; Advanced Configuration and Power Interface; advanced configuration and power management interface (Bricker)
abbr., law American Crime Prevention Institute
abbr., mil., avia. advanced configuration and power interface
abbr., progr. advanced configuration and power interface (ssn)
abbr., welf. Appeals Council Process Improvement
Nasdaq American Consumer Products
tech. advanced system configuration and power interface

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