gen. |
vyškoliť |
med. |
vyškoliť |
train A connected group of railroad cars, usu. pushed or pulled by a locomotive [treɪn] n | |
environ. |
vlak |
ed. |
odborná príprava |
transp., avia. |
výcvik |
training The process of bringing a person or a group of persons to an agreed standard of proficiency, by practice and instruction ['treɪnɪŋ] v | |
environ. |
školenie |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
tn; tr |
abbr., med. |
training |
abbr., org.name. |
Trade Analysis and Information System |
mil. |
Interactive Video Teletraining System; threat radar analysis and indicator system |
abbr., busin. |
Tele-Rail Automated Information Network |
abbr., ed. |
Training Resource And Information Network |
abbr., el. |
telerail automated information network |