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econ. уметност
 English thesaurus
ART [ɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. advanced research and technology; Assisted Reproduction Technology (Anglophile); Anti Retro viral Therapy; air-borne radiometer thermometer
abbr., avia. actuator remote terminal; aircraft radiated test; augmented reentry test; automatic radar tracking subsystem
abbr., chem. absolute rate theory
abbr., el. aberration reducing triode (electron lens); access register translation; Advanced Refractory Technologies Inc.; analog real-time (oscilloscope); antenna-receiver-transmitter; antireflection terminal; audio response terminal; automated reasoning tool; average run-time
abbr., germ., auto. Abstandsregeltempomat
abbr., lab.eq. Advanced Release Technology
abbr., med. assisted reproductive technology (ADol); acoustic reflex threshold; WHO Adverse Reactions Terminology
abbr., mil. Advanced Rotorcraft Technology; Army Regional Threats
abbr., nautic., scient. Airborne Radiation Thermometer
abbr., oncol. Adaptive Radiation Therapy
abbr., physiol. Adrenaline Response Training; assisted reproductive technologies
abbr., railw. American Refrigerator Transit Company
abbr., st.exch. A C Nielsen Corporation
abbr., UN Africa Resources Trust
physiol., med. Artery; Articulation
Art [ɑ:t] abbr.
abbr. artillery
abbr., earth.sc. artesian well
abbr., textile silk artificial silk
geol. Artinskian (MichaelBurov); Artinsckian Age (MichaelBurov); Artinskian time (MichaelBurov); Artinskian Stage (MichaelBurov)
art. abbr.
abbr. artificial
abbr., earth.sc. article
polym. article
art [ɑ:t] abbr.
abbr., genet. antirepressor of translation
abbr., oil artificial
arts abbr.
abbr., dril. articles
ARTS abbr.
abbr., auto. adaptive restraint technical system; adaptive restraint technique system (Jaguar X-Type); advanced rural area transportation system
abbr., avia. advanced radar traffic control system; airborne recording and training system; aircraft recovery transportation system; automatic automated radar terminal system; automatic automated radar tracking system
abbr., cardiol. Arterial Revascularization Therapies Study (iwona)
abbr., el. advanced radar terminal system; advanced radar tracking system; advanced rural transport system; American radio telephone system; Association for Retail Technology Standards; atom resolved tunneling spectroscopy
abbr., mil., avia. advanced radar targeting system
abbr., nucl.phys. accurate radiotherapy system
abbr., O&G. tech. Annulus Reference Trap System (Углов)
abbr., road.constr. advanced rural transportation system
arts abbr.
econ. article (Seregaboss)
.arts abbr.
file.ext. Cultural Groups (Domain Name, Internet)
ARTS abbr.
abbr. Accelerated Ray-Tracing System (Raytracing); Armed Forces Radio and Television Service; Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server; automated radar terminal system ARTREP, Army training and evaluation program; Automated Remote Tracking Station
abbr., avia., amer. automated radar terminal systems
abbr., ed. Arts Restoration Throughout Schools; At Risk Talented Students
abbr., media. Artscene Radio Talk Show
abbr., mil. Army Training Study; Automated Remote Tracking System; Automated Requirements Traceability System; Automatic Radar Terminal System
abbr., oil AIT array induction imager tool resistivity selection
abbr., scient. Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator
abbr., scottish ADA Real-Time System; Advanced Real-Time System; Airborne Recording & Training System; All-Round Thermal Surveillance; Automated Radar Tracking System
abbr., space asynchronous residual time stamp
abbr., tech. automated radar tracking system
abbr., transp. Activities Reservations Tracking System; Advanced Rural Transportation Systems; Automated Radar Terminal System
mil. airborne radar target simulator; annual research task summary; Army research task summary; Army rocket transportation system; artificer sergeant; automated radar terminal system
tech. advanced radar traffic system; American radio telephone service; anticipatory reactor trip system; automated radioactive waste tracking system; automatic resistance test set
Arts. abbr.
abbr. articles
.ARTS abbr.
inet. Cultural Groups (Domain Name)
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects

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